Metacreation Lab Newsletter | OCT 2021
Audio Metaphor @ Sight+Sound Festival Recap
Audio Metaphor (AuMe) was recently featured in an online exhibition presented for the 11th edition of SIGHT + SOUND Festival by Montréal’s Eastern Bloc. Titled Some Universe : Internet Spaces in a Postdigital World, the exhibition invited viewers to imagine and speculate on what “space” really means in a post-internet and post-pandemic world.
The AuMe generative soundscape search engine is a research project aimed at designing new methodologies and tools for sound design and composition practices in film, games, and sound art. It is a long-term collaboration between Miles Thorogood and Philippe Pasquier. This version had been facilitated by Renaud Bougueng-Tchemeube. While the exhibition has ended, the AuMe project continues to be available to explore online.
Learn more about the project in an interview with Miles Thorogood and Philippe Pasquier for The Source. Philippe Pasquier also joined Malte of Pirate Bloc Radio - a monthly radio show interviewing local creatives and creators, artists in residency, and other people related to Eastern Bloc in Montreal - for a wrap-up of Sight+Sound Festival. For our French-speaking friends and colleagues, we offer this interview with Philippe on CBC Radio Canada’s Boulevard du Pacifique, spotlighting the Audio Metaphor project.
Philippe Pasquier @ MTL Connect
Wednesday, October 13, 2021 | 3:25 pm EDT / 12:25 pm PDT | Online
AI is everywhere, but can it turn creative work away from the click-factory that it is right now, without displacing too many jobs? Join us at MTL Connect this week as Philippe Pasquier, director of the Metacreation Lab, will discuss the rise of Creative AI and how it will change most computer-enabled creative processes for good!
SwissGradNet Discovery Conference
Friday, October 29, 2021 | Online
Can a machine design? Implications of artificial intelligence for the future of art and design universities
The Discovery Conference 2021 will focus on the implications of a future shaped by AI for higher education institutions. Together with exponents from the creative industries, the arts and universities, relevant fields of action for the successful further development of education and research at art and design universities are to be outlined. In light of which, the question for universities is not only how their institutional mandate should be fulfilled, but also the reverse: to what extent can the fields of design and the arts contribute to the further development of other disciplines and professional fields in the context of digital change and AI?
Philippe Pasquier will be representing the Metacreation Lab at the conference with a workshop on creative AI. The conference will be held online and registration is open until Monday, October 25.
Creative AI: on the partial or complete automation of creative tasks @ CAIDA
Philippe Pasquier's talk at CAIDA (the UBC ICICS Centre for Artificial Intelligence Decision-making and Action) is now available to watch online. For anyone interested in computer-assisted creativity, embedded systems, and their various applications, this talk surveys the design, deployment, and evaluation of generative systems.
Philippe Pasquier at UBC's CAIDA on the partial or complete automation of creative tasks