Tara Jadidi

Tara Jadidi is currently a senior undergraduate student at FUM, Iran, working with the Metacreation lab since the summer of 2019.

Having played the piano for ‘some’ years (she is very sensitive about the number replacing ‘some’; it raises expectations), she is an avid fan of classical music and a huge Mozart enthusiast. The excitement of “OMG I am actually talking to my computer, and it understands me!” after her first ‘hello world’, led her to the sphere of programming and computer science, where she is happily spending her days burning the midnight oil as a TA and RA. Her combined love for music and technology only needed the incentive provided by her supervisor to lead her into computational creativity, loving the idea of producing Mozart sonatas from zeros and ones.

If she tends to avoid solemnity and dark deliberations, Mozart is to be blamed.